I was reading the sunday times over the weekend about Secret Lives of S'pore teens and it saddened me very much to know that many teenagers are now into sex even before the age of 16? What's happening to the young teens of today? What's lacking in their lives that draw them towards SEX? Am I being paranoid? I remembered during my teenager years, my parents instilled into me about the virture of chastity. Teenagers of today are so different compared to my time, I see many of them in school uniforms hugging and kissing in public places like the MRTs, in the buses, cabs (better still more privacy besides Uncle Cabby ocassional glances through his rear view mirror) food courts, shopping centres and cinemas too.
I know most parents today are busy working hard and comng back very late leaving their kids in the hands of the maids or some even alone by themselves. Parents these days also give their children way too much freedom plus pocket allowances to replace their lack of time with their children, therefore resulting in them splurging on unnecessary stuffs and also going out too often. In the newspaper article I can't believe it , even when the parents are at home, these young teenagers also indulge in having unprotected sex right under the very nose of their parents. What's happening to our teens? How come the parents don't even know what their chidlren are doing in their own home? I believe these teens wanted to be branded as "cool" so that they will not be outcasted by their peers who have tried sex, but where's their dignity? Where is the value that should be imparted to the young teenagers, also our future generations of tomorrow! Parents of today are no longer able to control their teenagers for fear of pressuring them! This is very alarming and we need to help our teens to know the consequences of unprotected sex before jumping into bed with anyone! They seem to have lost the real value of having sex just like the song goes "Saves The Best For Last" Just my two cents worth of thoughts!
We hardly can see them except during the festivals celebrations for temples and clan associations or during the "Hungry Ghosts Month". The Chinese opera is a traditional form of stage entertainment, weaving together elements of mime, dance, song, dialogue, swordplay, and acrobatics into one fluid continuous flow. Gestures, movements and expressions incorporated within each performer's script come together to bring forth an impressive performance. It is a culture filled with splendid richness of colours and traditions. The vibrant colours of the costumes bring life onto the stage. The beautiful costumes excluding headgears ranges from S$100 to S$1000 depending on the role of the actors and actresses. The thick make ups on their faces had to be done hours way before their performances begin. Trainings and practices with professional instructors before the stage performance can be tedious and could take up about 3 to 4 hours per week. Mostly it's the older generations who appreciate and understand the rich culture of the Chinese Operas.
Here's my colleague, Cynthia who been involved in the Cantonese Opera since her school days and has since been performing for the past 15 years despite her busy and hectic office work. Appearing here in full regalia in her beautiful colourful costume says it all! Well done Cynthia, you revive the spirit of the chinese opera which is a dying culture.
Of late, my health has been deterioriating and I have been getting this dizzy spell. So a visit to my doctor to have my pressure checked confirmed that I do have high blood pressure! Hmmm.. indeed age is catching up on me. There goes the doctor's advice to eat more vegetables, eat less meat, reduce salt intake and to drink plenty of distilled water or filtered water if I'm not ready to go on the drugs prescription for high blood pressure.
On that note, I decided to embark on drinking lots of my Diamond Energy Water to see if it really can help to bring down my high blood pressure. This being one of the testimonial before I installed the Diamond Energy Water Filter. In fact, most of my plants in my home drink only Diamond Energy Water and indeed the plants grow very well yielding strong and healthy dark green leaves!
If the Diamond Energy Water can do great wonders on my plants, I believe it'll work just as great on human bodies too!
So here's my voyage to drinking Diamond Energy Water!!
Being heartbroken is a pain that no one can understand until they have experienced it for themselves. You obviously have, therefore are aware of how fragile your heart is right now.
Healing a broken heart will take time, but is not impossible, though it may feel that way at the time. It is never an easy process to go through, but with the right prescription, you will be on your way to recovery and happiness again. The first thing you should keep in mind is that it is okay to feel sad and grieve about what happened and that you are not stupid for doing so. It is perfectly normal to feel sad and cry after a break up. You have invested most of your time and all of your love and interest into your ex-partner; therefore will go through a sad and painful withdrawal. It is notable that you not grieve all on your own. Sure, there will be times when you will just want to be alone and undisturbed. However, it is important that you talk to your friends and family about it.
Talking about it is not only healthy, but will mend your heart quicker because you will release the thoughts and facts that are hurting you so much. Seeking professional advice will be a great help to you as well because your mind will open up and see new perspectives and understandings of what happened. It will help you gather your strength, pick yourself up, and find the happiness you deserve to have. Accepting the fact that you and your ex-partner are no longer together is a necessity if you are going to start mending your broken heart. If you catch yourself unable to function due to constantly thinking about your ex or repeatedly calling or visiting him or her for another chance, then chances are you are suffering from love addiction and should seek counseling. Discontinuing a serious relationship is emotionally challenging and can drive you to do things that are unhealthy for your self-being. To avoid entering such hazardous areas, keep yourself occupied. Go out with your friends and family to help get your mind off the break up. It is best to spend as less time alone as you can in the first few weeks of your breakup so that your emotions can slowly and patiently form back into their normal pattern. Fight the thoughts that tell you that you are a failure and are to blame for the end of your relationship. When a relationship ends it means that the two of you were no longer compatible and that always takes two, not just you. Instead of beating yourself up over what has transpired, examine your ex-relationship by listing the things you enjoyed most about it and then the things that disappointed you and what you believe really caused the breakup. Look at the relationship as a learning experience and an opportunity to improve your relationship skills, and a way to realize what you truly need and want from a romantic relationship. Learning to forgive yourself and your ex-lover will speed up the healing process for the reason that you will feel more peaceful and calm about it. Hating your ex will only build up tension and stress in your life, causing your emotions to slow down from getting back to order. One way to avoid bitterness against your ex-partner is to look at the breakup as a favor. Appreciate their honesty of no longer wanting to pursue the relationship, instead of giving you high hopes for a possible future together. It is always an advantage to exit a relationship that had no chances to survive than to be misled.Conquer your fear of being alone. You need to help yourself understand that it is not abnormal to be on your own and that your values come from who are rather than whom you are with. Teach yourself that there is more to life than romantic relationships by spending quality time with your friends and family. Learn more about whom the other people in your life are and introduce more of yourself to them as well. Go out and do things together and treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it is your favorite restaurant, shopping, going to the movies, or anything else. Learning to you be your own best friend will not only improve your relationship with yourself, but with others as well. As you begin to discover the other beauties of life and yourself, you will become more stable and stronger to face anything that crosses your path, such as a new relationship in the future. Before you consider entering another relationship, take a step back and ask yourself why you want to do so. Make sure that you are not entering a new relationship on a rebound. This will only leave you with unfinished emotions and you will never have closure from your former relationship. Never begin a new relationship because you are afraid of being on your own, or feel the need to just be in a relationship. Form a relationship with someone new because you feel strong and secure on your very own and feel that you are ready to attempt a new romance. Take it one step at a time and keep in mind of what your needs and desires are from a person and observe closely to see if they show signs of the qualities you are looking for. As soon as you notice that he or she is not, then get out of it as soon as possible. Learning from your previous relationships will come in very handy because you will be able to prevent similar situations in the future, leading you to meeting the people who fit your description of a perfect partner. Lastly, remind yourself that love is a wonderful feeling and experience and should not be generalized based on your past experiences. Do not use facts about your ex as a way to judge new people in your life. Leave your past behind you and focus on moving ahead. Get to know new people for who they are, not by comparing them to others, what they are not, or what they could be. Once you have observed their personality, values and everything else, trust yourself to make the right decisions without constantly doubting yourself. If you wish to try having a new relationship, then do so. If you do not however, then do not feel guilty to kindly walk away from the situation. You would be doing both you and the other a person a huge favor and saving time and emotions from being hurt.
You have nothing to fear or worry about. After all, there will always be one person who will always love you, appreciate who you are and be there for you. . . and that is YOU.
Last year before the Christmas seasons way back in the month of September, my colleagues and me decided to do a meaningful project. We bought colourful origami papers and decided to fold paper cranes to be gift packed for the residents at Dover Park Hospice, who were suffering from the deadly terminal illness - cancer. The cranes were beautifully folded using colourful origami papers by my colleagues during their lunch breaks and spare capacity and some even brought home to fold the paper cranes to hit our traget of 2,000 paper cranes. The real story behind the paper cranes is indeed very touching.
Why Paper Cranes for Peace?
Every year many thousands of people around the world fold paper cranes as an expression of hope for a world at peace, where non-violent means are used to resolve conflicts, and where people can live without fear. For most of these people, the origin of the paper crane as a symbol of peace probably lies with the story of Sadako Sasaki. Sadako was just two years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. While she suffered no immediate injury, the effects of her exposure caught up with her some ten years later and she fought a courageous battle with leukaemia. During her treatment she began to fold a thousand paper cranes (senbazuru) so that her wish for good health would come true. She died before completing her task. Her fellow students folded the remainder of the thousand cranes which were buried with her. Sadako’s courage and faith inspired her friends, and students from across the world, to raise money for a memorial to the children who were innocent victims of the atomic bomb.
Each year children and adults from all over the world fold a thousand paper cranes to be taken to the Children’s Monument in the Peace Park in Hiroshima. The cranes are placed at the foot of the monument where the inscription reads: ‘This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world.’
When is a good time? Any time is a good time to be folding, but lots of people like to set a goal to finish their cranes by a significant date. Possibilities include:
6 August - Hiroshima Day;
9 August - Nagasaki Day also our Singapore National Day
15 September - International Peace Day
24 October - International Children’s Day; and
17 November - World Peace Day .
What do we do with the cranes once they are folded?
Some projects donate their cranes to brighten the lives of residents and patients in nursing homes or hospitals, especially those treating leukaemia or cancer, thus developing a different sort of link to the Sadako story.
So now whenever you see a paper crane, reflect on the story behind it.
Last month, a friend's wife who's only 48 years old, went for her Mammograms Screening and was told that she had lumps found in one of her breasts. She was then admitted to the hospital for further biospy followed by surgery and the result: the tumours measured more than 2cm were MAGLINANT! From that moment on, the whole world crashed down upon her and she has to be on chemotherapy treatment of which may result in some side effects like hair loss being the most prominent, loss of weight and appetite, etc.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting Singapore women.
•1 in 5 cancers occurring in Singaporean women is breast cancer.
•Every year, about 1100 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed. This translates to 3 women being diagnosed with
breast cancer each day.
•About 270 die from the disease each year.
•1 in 20 women in Singapore will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
•The incidence is highest in women aged 55 to 59.
Four in five women diagnosed with breast cancer have no known risk factors. So it is important to know how to protect yourself and reduce your risk of getting the disease.
To Protect Yourself Against Breast Cancer
1. Practise a healthy lifestyle.
•Be physically active. Exercise 3 – 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time
•Maintain a healthy weight.
•Eat a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in fats with an emphasis on good fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) over bad fats (saturated and trans fats).
•Limit alcohol intake to less than one alcoholic drink a day.
•Breastfeed children instead of formula feeding them (if possible).
2. Be aware of breast cancer and its symptoms.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
In early stages of breast cancer, there is usually no pain and there may be no symptoms at all. As the cancer grows, the following symptoms could appear:
•a persistent lump or thickening in the breast or armpit area.
•a change in the size or shape of the breast
•a dimpling or puckering of the skin (like orange peel)
•blood or discharge from the nipple
•a newly retracted (pulled in) nipple
3. Screen yourself for breast cancer regularly. Early detection offers more treatment options and a better chance of survival and recovery. Take charge of your own breast health and detect changes in your breast through the following:-
•Breast Self Examination
• Clinical Breast Examination (by a healthcare professional)
• Mammography
Never be afraid to examine your breasts or to have them examined. Finding out that you do not have breast cancer is more important than the time and effort required for an examination, or any discomfort you may feel.
Assisi Home & Hospice is a registered charity that cares for more than 700 cancer-stricken live-in, home-care and day centre care patients. It also houses Assisi Children's Centre. Almost all of the children aged from 3 to 17 are fully subsidised and more than 90% of the adult patients are highly subsidised. Thus, they need all help possible to raise $4.6 million to cover their annual operating costs. The annual Assisi Home & Hospice's Teddy Bank drive is based on a mascot drawn by Johnathan Tan aged 9, who is also a luekaemia patient battling cancer. Assisi will be releasing 5,000 Teddy Banks on 25 March 2006. It is a custom-made bear shaped coin bank which was drawn by a little child, Johnathan Tan. Assisi Home & Hospice appeal for 5,000 wonderful families to take home a teddy bank each for a S$10 donation. The theme "Save as a family, Give with our hearts: S$1-a-day to Assisi Home & Hospice" is to encourage families and friends to do their bits for charity for a period of three months only! At the end of the three months period, the donations collection in the teddy bank will have to be returned to Assisi Home & Hospice to provide for the best palliative care possible for cancer patients, especially those in their terminal stages of their disease, and best of all we'll get to keep the teddy bank. S$1 is a small amount to some however S$1 in accumulation, will go a long way to help the terminally ill who need alot of money for their medical treatments bills. Anyone interested to take up a teddy bank can email the following personnel:- ronita_paul@assisihospice.org.sg or geraldine@assisihospice.org.sg
So Book a Teddy Bank now! Yes, I'm going to get mine soon!
Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce Ingredients
6-8 slices of bread
raisins, mix fruits, walnuts or almonds
2-3 tablespoon sugar
butter or margarine
3-4 eggs
1 capful vanilla essence evaporated milk (optional)** Method1. Butter the bread and cut into halves (2 triangles)2. Layer the bread, and sprinkle the raisins, mixed fruits, walnuts or almonds onto a baking tray or casserole
3. In another bowl, beat the eggs and sugar until dissolve and milk to about one bowl full. Add in the the vanilla essence to taste.
4. Pour the mixture over the bread and leave to soak for 15-20 minutes(depending on dryness of bread) ** Add more evaporated milk onto the mixture if the bread is still dry after soaking.
5. Bake in a microwave oven on High for 15-17minutes or in preheated conventional oven 375F (175C) for about 20 minutes or until cooked.
6. Serve with custard sauce.
Custard Sauce
2 cups milk
3-4 tablespoon sugar
pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons corn or tapioca starch
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1. In saucepan, combine all ingredients except the vanilla essence
2. Heat over a slow fire constantly sitrring for 15- 20 minutes until the mixture thickens
3. Remove from heat and add vanilla essence. Cool and serve.
Sex bracelets are similar to those colourful rubber bands worn on the wrists. Most people who wear jelly bracelets do not consider them "sex bracelets". Sex bracelets are also commonly used by young school going kids, teenagers and adults too. Each colour code has a different meaning. So be extra careful before slipping on those colour Sex bracelets or you'll sending the wrong signal to others.
Meaning of Colours for Sex Bracelets
Red : French KissBlue : Oral SexGreen : Outdoor SexYellow: HuggingOrange: KissingPurple: Holding HandsBlack : Intercourse
White : Homosexual Kiss
"After a hard day's work, my little darling has never failed to greet me with her leaps and bounces whenever I come back home", Nancy my good friend told me about her darling Sandi, her Jack Russell. Sandi has been a great part of Nancy's life besides her husband and her son and the whole family adores Sandi dearly because she has brought them so much joy! Though Sandi is only 6 years old, she had undergone a cateract surgery last year and today Sandi will be going for yet another cateract surgery on her other eye which will cost about S$4000!! Some people would not part with that amount of money for surgery on their dog and would discard their dog to the SPCA! The love that Nancy has for Sandi is immeasurable.. and she'll do anything for Sandi. Only dog lovers will understand the bonding between them. Hey Sandi, wishing you a speedy recovery for your cateract surgery! Woof Woof Woof!!!!
To all women, give yourself a pat on your shoulder today. It's great being a woman after all as the role of women is being recognized and celebrated internationally!
International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world.
This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.
International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage. The idea of an International Women's Day first arose at the turn of the century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies. Following is a brief chronology of the most important events:
In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Woman's Day was observed across the United States on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate it on the last Sunday of that month through 1913.
The Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen, established a Women's Day, international in character, to honour the movement for women's rights and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women. The proposal was greeted with unanimous approval by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries, which included the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament. No fixed date was selected for the observance.
As a result of the decision taken at Copenhagen the previous year, International Women's Day was marked for the first time (19 March) in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and to hold public office, they demanded the right to work, to vocational training and to an end to discrimination on the job. Less than a week later, on 25 March, the tragic Triangle Fire in New York City took the lives of more than 140 working girls, most of them Italian and Jewish immigrants. This event had a significant impact on labour legislation in the United States, and the working conditions leading up to the disaster were invoked during subsequent observances of International Women's Day.
As part of the peace movement brewing on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February 1913. Elsewhere in Europe, on or around 8 March of the following year, women held rallies either to protest the war or to express solidarity with their sisters.
With 2 million Russian soldiers dead in the war, Russian women again chose the last Sunday in February to strike for "bread and peace". Political leaders opposed the timing of the strike, but the women went on anyway. The rest is history: Four days later the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional Government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday fell on 23 February on the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, but on 8 March on the Gregorian calendar in use elsewhere.
Since those early years, International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike. The growing international women's movement, which has been strengthened by four global United Nations women's conferences, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand women's rights and participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, International Women's Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women's rights.
The Role of the United Nations
Few causes promoted by the United Nations have generated more intense and widespread support than the campaign to promote and protect the equal rights of women. The Charter of the United Nations, signed in San Francisco in 1945, was the first international agreement to proclaim gender equality as a fundamental human right. Since then, the Organization has helped create a historic legacy of internationally agreed strategies, standards, programmes and goals to advance the status of women worldwide.
Over the years, United Nations action for the advancement of women has taken four clear directions: promotion of legal measures; mobilization of public opinion and international action; training and research, including the compilation of gender desegregated statistics; and direct assistance to disadvantaged groups. Today a central organizing principle of the work of the United Nations is that no enduring solution to society's most threatening social, economic and political problems can be found without the full participation, and the full empowerment, of the world's women.
When I first heard this song playing on the radio from a Malaysia radio station the Light & Easy, it touched me very much. This particular song is deeply moving and a song about of filial love. The lyrics were so meaningful and it brought tears as I reflected upon my close binding relationship with my beloved Daddy, who is now in Heaven. Luther Vandross is one of the most successful R&B vocalists in the world, famous for his soulful, romantic ballads. The song "Dance With My Father", was a bittersweet tribute to Vandross' late father that would become the centerpiece of the singer's next, most personal album. Sadly enough, the singer himself, Luther Vandross died on lst July 2005 in Edison, New Jersey having suffered a massive stroke in 2003.
Dance With My Father ~ Luther Vandross
"Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then
Spin me around 'til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved
If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end How I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again
When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way, I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
Then finally make me do just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again
Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me
I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord she's dying
To dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream"
Do you desire to have your home filled with an exotic and tranquility scent that lingers on and on, creating a wonderful unforgettable expericence? Then you must pamper yourself to experience the luxury of Lampe Berger. In 1898, Monsieur Maurice Berger discovered a process to purify the air with the catalytic combustion of ozoalcohol. He filed for a patent and Lampe Berger was born. Initially it was used only by the medical field for its antibacterial powers. Today you can find a Lampe Berger in homes around the world.
Lampe Berger awakens the senses as it gently perfumes the home with alluring fragrance.
Just as perfumes are carefully blended for the body, Lampe Berger creates long-lasting, vivid fragrances which are carefully blended for the home. It also promotes a sense of well-being, relieving the body’s stress and anxiety. Inspired by every aspect of life, Lampe Berger scents are sent forth to fulfill desires, express emotions and create balance and tranquiltiy.
Each lamp features, under its’ stylish cap, a patented catalytic burner that destroys odors and helps purify the air, eliminating up to 68% of any airborne bacteria before the fragrance is dispersed. Simply, the Lampe Berger removes odors,kills bacteria and fragrances the air and is also sucessful at destroying a whole range of odors including:
:: Cigarette smoke
:: Cooking odors
:: Pet odors
:: Paint fumes
:: Many other forms of household pollution.
Two of my favourite scents from Lampe Berger are Amber which is a light pine aroma that tranquilizes and prevent ageing and Rosee d' Iris made from Belgian roses that aids blood circulations and also creates a romantic atmosphere.
Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many friends you have. Or how many people call you. Or how accepted or unaccepted you are. Not about if you have plans this weekend. Or if you're alone. It isn't about who you're dating, who you use to date, how many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with anyone at all. It isn't about who you have kissed. It's not about sex. It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have. Or what kind of car you drive. Or where you're sent to school.It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are. Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, or what kind of music you listen to. It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, brown, or green. Or if your skin is too light or too dark.It's not about what grades you get, how smart you are, how smart everyone else thinks you are, or how smart standardized tests say you are. Or if this teacher likes you, or if this guy/girl likes you. Or what clubs you're in, or how good you are at "your" sport. It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will "accept the written you".But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully. It's about keeping or betraying trust. It's about friendship, used as sanctity, or as a weapon. It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip. It's about what judgments you pass and why. And who your judgments are spread to.It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention. It's about jealousy, fear, pain, ignorance, and revenge. It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow and spreading it.But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison other people's hearts in such a way that could never occurred alone. Only you choose the way these hearts are affected and those choices are what life is all about.
I'm currently reading this book In His Bright Light by Danielle Steel. This is the true and powerful story about the author's own son Nick Triana,who's suffering from Manic Depression or Bipolar disease which is potentially fatal. This book gives a real insight on Manic Depression or Bipolar disease of which suicide and accidents appear to be the greatest cause of death for manic-depressive. From the day that Nick was born, he was his mother's joy. He was a brilliant, charming child who NEVER slept. Nick rocketed through life like a shooting star. He spoke in full sentences at the age of one! His gift for writing was extraordinary, his musical talent promised a golden future. But by the time Nick entered junior high school, Danielle Steel saw her beloved son hurtling towards disaster and tried desperately to get Nick the help he needed - the opening salvoes of what would become a ferrocious, pitched battle for his life. In the end, perhaps nothing could have saved him from the insidious disease that had shadowed him from his earlies years. By nineteen, Nick was dead!
Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange,Pink, Purple, Lime Green and many more colours. Everywhere you see them on feet of children, teenagers, working adults and also on elderly people. What am I talking about??? The Croc shoes of course!!. The colours are so striking and vibrant!! It looked especially very cute on the feet of a child. The Croc shoes are designed for comfort and molds to the feet with orthotic foot bed; advanced toe-box ventilation system; slip-resistant and non-marking soles; anti-microbial and odor resistant; ergonomic italian styling; wide, roomy foot bed; made from PCCR material; buoyant; weighs only OUNCES!! I'm still deciding on which colour to get for myself, orange or navy blue?? Hmmmm... anyone buying that for me for my birthday prezzie??? Haha...... just kidding.