Stand Firm!
It has been the talk of the town of late about Da Vinci Code movie. Horrors of horrors, two floor stickers on the advertisements of the Da Vinci Code that carried an image of Jesus Christ were placed on the floor at the busy Orchard MRT station and imagine how many people could have trampled on them! After receiving feedbacks from passengers, barricades were errected around the image to prevent commuters from walking on it. Indeed, all I can say is that this is the EVIL at work and used Dan Brown the author of the best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code made into a movie to raise questions and also led readers into confusion instead of enlightenment. The burning questions about Jesus and Mary Magadelene and Mary's presence at the Last Supper? The Bible which is the WORD OF GOD, has been our constant guidance long before Dan Brown was born. To all my Christian and God loving friends out there, though this can be a trying period for us, we should stand FIRM in our FAITH for what we BELIEVE because the TRUTH will set us free!
same question i asked all my Christian friends.....
its a novel and a ur faith that weak ?
Mike, I'm glad that you also stood firm by your faith! Hooray for Jesus Christ!
They should not put photos of Jesus on the floor for people to trample on. They should not do it in the first place. Or ever .....
Hi flower, fully agreed with you. I believe whoever did that, probably not a Christian and does not respect other's religion! :(
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