Here's the recipe for the char siew:-
1-11/2 kg pork belly (pork must have some fat in it to be tender. Do not use lean pork loin)
Marinade : 4 tablespoon Oyster sauce
4 Tablespoon Tomato sauce
5 Tablespoon Soya sauce
3 Tablespoon Black soya sauce
1 teaspoon Sesame oil
2 Tablespoon sugar
1 piece red fermented beancurd
1 Tablespoon Chinese wine
4 cloves garlic, finely minced
Glaze :
1 tablespoon honey mixed with 1 tablespoon water
Method :
1. Mix all the ingredients for marinate together. Pour onto pork and leave to marnate for at least 4 hours, even better overnight.
2. Take meat out from refridgerator 1/2 hour before grilling.
3. Grill/broil the meat until cooked. While grilling, make sure you turn the meat 3-4 times, to allow even browning.
4. When meat is cooked, brush with honey glaze and remove
Thanks to the Kitchen Capers members cwl who shared this wonderful char siew recipe and Angie who shared her wok fried method!
hee hee... clever jie jie..
both solo and me waiting for the chance to eat that... : )
Sure, sure one of these days at my place makan.
Looks delicious! yummy yummy
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