To All My Online Friends ~ True On-Line Friends
The true friends who we meet online are a very special kind. They pierce your shields and see within the corners of your mind. They're always there when you're in need with their power to discern. They feel your pain ... they offer hope and genuine concern. We bare our souls, expose our hearts and show our inner fears. And then before you know it the keyboard's stained with tears. If we could see them through that screen then no one could deny
That to be a TRUE online friends they too must surely cry. Thanks for being my on-line friends!
And you know who you are!
Online friend?
It pierces your heart to see the truth behind the screen. The phobia and sadness that lingers since...
thats definitely not me.....yet ? chuckle.
love ur dinasour milo
haha, we are true online friends, arent we??
Thanx to u too for being a great online friend.
can really feel what you meant and totally agreeing with you. strange isn't it, online friends can make better friendship than those that i have befriended a decade ago! unbelievable.
You are one of mine!!! But am I yours??? *Wink*
To all my online friends, you ppl are great!! Kuduos to all of you for making life wonderful, thru all the wonderful MSN chats that we share especially so after a hard day's work in the office!
Keep it up!!
Thanks for being my online and real life fren!
thank you too for being there for me all these years.
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