All the scholastic scaffolding falls, as a ruined edifice, before a single word - FAITH ~ Napoleon Bonaparte .
There is a story about the time Mother Teresa said to her superiors as a young nun, "I have 5 pennies and a dream from God to build an orphanage." Her superiors looked at each other and then said to her, "Well, Sister Teresa, you can't build an orphanage with 5 pennies. With 5 pennies, you can do nothing. "I know," she replied. "But with God and 5 pennies, I can do anything." Well, God built that orphanage as He has built the rest of her ministry because she has been radically dependent on Him. She receives no church support, no governmental subsidies, and she offers no salaries - but God has come through time after time and she has never had to turn away a needy person. Mother Teresa relates an incident about the chairman of a large Indian corporation who came to donate some property in Bombay. First he asked, "Mother, how is your work financed?" She said, "Mr Thomas, who sent you here?" "Well, he replied, "I felt an urge inside of me." "Other people like you come to see me and say the same thing," she said. "That is my budget." She has recounted story after story about how God has come through for her in amazing ways. Like the time when there was no bread to give the poor - until, out of the blue, two trucks pulled up and dumped enough bread to feed everyone at the facility for several days. It seems that the schools in Calcutta had unexpectedly closed for the day, and someone suggested donating the lunch bread to Mother Teresa. Another time a co-worker at another facility called her to ask for 50,000 rupees to start a children's home. Mother Teresa said she didn't have the money but would pray about it. As soon as she hung up, the phone rang again. "You've just won the Ramon Magsasay award from the Philippines," a newspaper reporter said "How much is it?" she asked. "Fifty thousand rupees." She called back her colleague." You have your orphanage," she said. That's the kind of adventure that comes with radical reliance on God. You are called to attempt great things for God with FAITH
This was extracted from the book entitled "What Would Jesus Say To You:" by Lee Strobel